Sunday, November 15, 2009


Oh my! I cannot believe it has been that lomg since the last time I have blogged! My father wrote me an e-mail telling me to update my blog. I did not even know that he read my blog! Thank you Daddy for reminding me to update my blog!

So, I got a job. I am working at BPAC again! Going back to that clinic was like going home. I know the job, I know my coworkers and what to expect from them, I know my bosses, and I know our clients. I love my job!

My nephew is growing! Emory, my niece is growing as well. She just turned three in October and Ethan is now three months old and weighs 15 pounds! I got to look after him on Saturday and he is such a laid back, happy boy. I cannot wait to meet my children.

My parents came into town a few weeks ago for Ethan's baptism. It was so great to see them! I cannot wait till christmas so that I may see them again. Mark was unable to see them because he has been so busy.

Mark and school have a very intimate marriage. Law school is a very demanding wife. Needless to say, we do not see as much of each other as we want to. Law school lives up to her rumored behavior of sucking time from your life. This semester is almost over and the next one will be here before we know it!

I cannot believe how this football season has shapped up. Such promise at the beginning has turned into disappointment! The iron bowl is the only game left of any importance before the sec championship. Did I mention that I am going to the sec championship? That's right!

The Jade is doing fine. She gets to go to work with me and play all day! The guys at the clinic take such great care of her. The bitties are also doing well. It is time for their shots! They cannot wait, I am sure of it.

Halloween came and went with little excitement as well as my birthday. We had an eighties themed party at Blue Monkey for my birthday and Kara and I were the only ones who dressed up! We did not dress up for halloween though I did get Jade a costume. The plan was for her to answer the door for the trick or treaters but none came. Very dissapointing.

Our next adventure is Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Mark said that we could get a tree this year! Hopefully he will not go back on his word!