Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nephew Ethan is here!

Yeah! My nephew, Ethan Skocelas, is finally here! I am sure that the rest of us cannot be as gleeful as my sister! I know I will be in her position one day and would appreciate the recognition when the time comes. She is such a wonderful person! I cannot imagine having the ability to share my newborn with so many people. I know I would want to be so selfish and not let anyone one else hold him, at least until he starts to cry! I cannot claim that I will even allow Mark to hold my newborn! They had just as many people visiting this delivery as her first delivery. I do not know how she puts up with all that commotion just hours after delivering. I pray that I will have it together to not only allow people to touch my newborn but to hold conversation and be patient enough to repeat myself over and over!

Did I mentoion how perfect he looked! God did another great job weaving my sister and brother in law into one person! I was given the opportunity today to spend some time with my family and I was allowed to hold Ethan after his lunch and he gracefully fell asleep on my chest. I hated having to put him down in his bed to finish his nap. I already love him so much! Emory, my niece, seems to have adjusted pretty well so far. She is so sweet to her new baby brother other than asking if they could put him back into mother's belly! It was basically a question of couriosity not animosity!

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